News Announcements
Déan do dhícheall i gcónaí

Reopening of St.Finian’s NS
Dear Parents,
We hope that we find you well and that you are enjoying the final days of the Summer holidays. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming you back to St Finian’s NS on September 1st! We also wish to extend a warm welcome to the Junior Infants who are joining our school community for the first time.
Below you will find a link to a letter outlining how we plan to reopen our school, in line with current guidelines and recommendations. We wish to reassure parents that we will be following said guidelines, as issued by the Department of Education, in order to ensure the safety and protection of children, parents, teachers and the wider school community.
We are asking that you read through the document carefully, however please understand that this is a live document and is subject to change at any time.
We also ask that you again highlight the importance of hand washing with your children before they return to school. The following video might be a useful tool to do this.
We wish to welcome everyone back in order to continue on their educational journey through St Finian’s NS, with as little disruption as possible to the teaching and learning process.
All the best,
Gearoid & Staff.