News Announcements
Déan do dhícheall i gcónaí

Enduring Certificate
As a school we are continually battling to find new ways to fundraise to meet the costs of running the school. This year we received €12,852.00 in Capitation Grant from the Department of Education. We were left with €9,684.00 after paying €3,168.00 for the School Insurance to Allianz. We are not able to shop around for a better deal as the Department specifically instruct schools to deal with Allianz. This remaining €9,684.00 is all the school receives for the year for the upkeep and maintenance of the school, for any extra activities the pupils partake in, for electric & oil, resource room & classroom needs, photocopier & printer expenses and any other bill during the year. The secretary & cleaner wages are paid through an ancillary grant. We have 104 pupils and 11 staff using the facilities of the school on a daily basis. Our financial position is such that we are finding it more and more difficult to raise the funds to cover the costs of running the school and any maintenance work going forward.
One source of funding which we have not historically tapped into is tax relief under the charitable donations scheme. As a school we can claim tax back on monies paid by the parents for the likes of school books and school tour etc. If you or a member of your household is a PAYE or self-employed individual, it would be much appreciated if you would please fill out the Enduring Certificate and return to the school. (This can be downloaded from the Parent’s Page under the tab Enduring Certificate) The Certificate does not require any details of your annual income. It will cost you nothing but any tax rebate the school receives will be of great help to the running costs of the school. It will also cut down on the fundraising events and the continual pressure on parents to cover the costs.
If you do not wish to take part, it would also be helpful if you would return the Enduring Certificate stating this so that we can keep our records updated.
Certificates returned in 2019 will be valid for 5 years so the school will not need to renew them until 2024.
Please contact the school if you require any further information.