News Announcements
Déan do dhícheall i gcónaí

Active School Week
Active School Week will take place from Monday 17th – Friday 21st June. Children will be required to wear their school tracksuit all week, with shorts underneath. Children will also require to bring plenty of drinks each day.
Monday 17th: School League/ Games and sports in school yard. Please ensure all children from 3rd-6th class have gear.
Tuesday 18th: Sandcastle Art and Health Promoting Flag Presentation. Please bring buckets, spades and water spray bottles.
Wednesday: Sponsored School Cycle (3rd-6th Class) / Sponsored School Walk (Juniors – 2nd Class) Please bring hi-vis jackets, helmets, bicycles, small pack back to carry lunch etc.
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Climb Cnoc na dTobar (5th & 6th Class) (weather permitting)/ Skipathon, Novelty Races & Obstacle Course (Juniors – 4th Class). Please bring Skipping ropes.