Déan do dhícheall i gcónaí
Junior & Senior Infants
For the month of November Junior and Senior Infants have been busy focusing on the theme of food. They studied the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and having looked at his work the children went on to draw the human face using different fruit and vegetables with oil pastels. See photo below for the end result! For Science week the children were busy being scientists and made lava lamps using oil, water, food colouring and the magic tablets!! They were so engrossed in this lesson and thoroughly enjoyed it. Last week we went outside to the yard and practised our letter formations and words using chalk on the wall and the ground. They were so proud of their work. We have spoken in depth about relations of ours who have died. The children wrote down the names of all their relatives who have died and decorated a bookmark and hung them on the remembrance tree in the hallway. Tying in with our theme of food this month we have been chatting about healthy foods and keeping our bodies healthy. Fitness Fridays are proving to be a big hit in the Infant room and they really look forward to Friday mornings so they can keep fit and healthy.