Event Highlight
Déan do dhícheall i gcónaí
Swimming – Every year in May/June all classes attend the Coral Leisure Centre in Killarney for five sessions of swimming.
The dates for Swimming this year (2020) are Thursday 7th May, Thursday 14th May, Thursday 21st May, Thursday 28th May, Thursday 4th June.
Your child wears their school tracksuit when they are attending swimming lessons. PLEASE LABEL ALL CLOTHING AND ITEMS. Please note your child requires the following items, a bag they can carry on their back. A towel, swimming costume/swim shorts, swimhat, goggles, crocs/swim socks and a plastic bag for their wet gear. They also need to bring their lunchbag. No need for shampoo or toiletries. Please have your child’s hair tied up(Girls) and boys can wear their swim shorts underneath their school tracksuit and if the girls have a two piece costume they can also wear their costume underneath their school tracksuit. Don’t forget to include underwear.